Dr. Maher M. Stino, Co-Founder of Sites International, Receives the Distinguished State “Pioneer in Science Award in Engineering Sciences” for year 2021

The Council of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology announces in their 179th session, held on April 7, 2022, the complete list of winners in all branches of the State Awards, including the Nile Award, Appreciation, Excellence and Incentive Awards. Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and Chairman of the Academy’s Council headed the meeting and noted that this day is one of the most important scientific events scientists and young researchers in Egypt eagerly anticipate.
The awards honor Egypt’s scientists, intellects, and innovators who have contributed to forming an important part of Egypt’s identity. Dr. Maher Stino is Professor of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture at Cairo University School of Urban and Regional Planning.